Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mercury Retrograde Oct. 31-Nov. 20 2019 for each zodiac sign

How will Mercury Retrograde, beginning October 31st, 2019 and ending on November 20th, 2019 be a little more intense than the other retrogrades of Mercury we experienced earlier in the year?  Well, for one, it comes at a very auspicious time in the Wheel of the Year, Samhain.

Samhain is the greater sabbat of the dead. Samhain, also known as Halloween, is considered by most Pagans and Wiccans to be the most important of the four greater sabbats. It is generally observed on October 31st in the Northern Hemisphere, starting at sundown. The old Sun King is dead, and the Crone Goddess mourns him greatly during the next six weeks. While the veil between the worlds is thinnest, those who have died in the past year and those who are to be reincarnated pass through. This is a time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on. It is seen as a festival of darkness, which is balanced at the opposite point of the wheel by the spring festival of Beltane.

Now let’s keep in mind that Mercury is the planet the rules over communication, contracts, messages, electrical things, and travel. We often overlook our LARGEST, MOST INTRICATET electrical component which is our own energy field. Yes, my friend, this particular retrograde will set your own intuition and ESP on fire. You seem to just know things, sense who will do what next, and experience lucid dreams where messages from the other side come in loud and clear. This retrograde exposes secrets and digs for the truth.

The shadow phase of this particular retrograde began on October 11th,2019 and the retreating shadow finally ends on December 7, 2019 therefore giving us plenty of time to be truth seekers. Mercury going retrograde through Scorpio, which is the sign closest to the underworld, creates the perfect storm to sense what lies in the shadows and also your own shadow side. This is the time to purge people, situations, jobs, habits, and old patterns that keep you from moving forward.

Mercury in Scorpio digs through the hidden layers of reality and knows things on an instinctive, nonverbal level. Your detective-like mind will see through phony people, hidden clauses in contracts, and illusionary reality. You may be operating through your shadow side and be more cynical, dark and unflinchingly honest which is sure to shock others during this retrograde.

Below is how each sign may experience this particular retrograde and if you know your rising sign it will prove to be a more accurate assessment of what lurks in the shadows during the last phase of the Wheel of the Year.

Aries-Mercury retrograding through your 8th house will bring issues with debts, money owed, taxes, and sex to light. Check all figures carefully before making any payments and look over terms for all of your insurance policies. Read the small print. Careful with risky relationships-cheaters will get caught. Are you sure you want to post that picture on Facebook or Instagram? If you have a feeling it will cause trouble you are most likely correct.
Taurus-Your 7th house of partnerships, friendships, lawyers, marriage, and yes, open enemies are the focus. Careful not to get caught up in a web of gossip because a friend can quickly become a major frenemy. Read all text before sending because someone may get a message meant for another. You like your privacy but you may not have as much of it as you like over the next few weeks.
Gemini-Your analytical mind, day to day, activities health, public servants, old loves and pets are all areas that are touched by Mercury going through your 6th house. You have a quick mind since you are ruled by the day side of Mercury which also makes you a little too curious. Resist the urge to show your hand to a sneaky individual. You’ll have your moment of truth. Let old lovers go.  Focus on revisiting your diet and health regime. Pay your parking tickets, take your pet for a vet check, and check all messages before you hit “send.”
Cancer- Romance, love affairs, entertainment, children, and the gambles that you take all come into focus during this Mercury retrograde in your 5th house. An old flame from the past may look you up but ask yourself, “What do they want? What’s their agenda? Fleeting romances are just that-fleeting. Manipulative ways of both yours and others are now easily detected. If you deal with children you may find them to be more secretive and hidden. Use creative persuasion instead of harsh judgement when seeking the truth in all matters. Intuition is high.
Leo- What the hell is going on at home? Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, your 4th house of home, family, and the end of the matter, gives you the intuition to get to the root of the problem. Your outspoken nature will pull the curtain back on what has been hidden. Self-care is important now so keep your boundaries. Know where you stop and others begin. If you are getting necessary repairs done in the home get written guarantees or wait until after December 7th to get work done. You may be dealing with a lot of endings but on the bright side there is an open pathway for new beginnings.
Virgo-You are ruled by the night side of Mercury, the side that usually sees the glass as half empty. This Mercury retrograde will touch your 3rd house of siblings, communication, social activities and neighbors. Don’t be surprised if you hear a voice from the past and find out a long-hidden secret. Check your junk folder because you don’t want to miss an important message from someone who has been thinking of you. Don’t over analyze everything like you usually do but rather go with your gut instincts. Watch your communications and don’t play mind games or you may lose out.
Libra-Your 2nd house of money, possessions, and things you value are touched by Mercury retrograding through Scorpio. Did you misplace something of value or did someone take it? Careful when making large purchases because the worth of the item my be grossly overstated. Lenders attract borrower so during this retrograde choose to be neither. Remember to lock your doors and car during this time because Mercury retrograde in Scorpio operates in the shadows. Loss through theft is possible. Check all information before getting in that Uber or Lyft.
Scorpio-Time to call out those who have stabbed you in the back. You knew it all along but in true Scorpio manner you were waiting for the opportune time to sting. Apologies are worthless if they aren’t sincere. The truth flows from your mouth and you let others know that you aren’t easily manipulated nor do you forget a slight. You mind is intense and what you project hits the bullseye so retreat into the bowls of your private nature and reframe your actions before throwing the final blow. Reconnect with those who truly know you and leave the sludge by the side. You get the last laugh.
Sagittarius- Did you get caught with your foot in your mouth? Careful that you don’t repeat something said in confidence because it will come back to haunt you. Time to give closure to who or what hurts you.   Memories of departed loved ones are very strong as Mercury retrogrades through your 12th house so don’t be surprised when you get a message from someone on the other side. Pay attention, the Universe has a message for you. Your dreams are lucid.
Capricorn-Mercury retrograding through your 11th house puts focus on the groups you are affiliated with, social awareness, and the immediate results that come from your career. Use your intuition when evaluating your hopes and dreams. You want change but also need the security of structure. Rethink your main objectives and reconnect with influential people or influencers who can help further you along in achieving your desired results. Be careful not to cut off those who have always had your back. Time to release that person who is like a ball and chain and keeps you from achieving your goals. You clearly see through them during this retrograde.
Aquarius -Your career, long term goals, reputation, and status are the focus during Mercury retrograding though your 10th house. You have made a name for yourself and don’t be surprised if a former employer wants you back. You love gadgets and technology but as we know, Mercury retrogrades play havoc with such things and frustration can set in when they get temporarily zapped while Mercury skips backwards through Scorpio. You can lose your shit especially if you have a work project due. Triple check all plans, reservations, and commitments. Careful of a parent, boss, or snotty client who attempts to stir the pot. You sense a trouble maker before they even open their mouth.
Pisces-You are a natural generator for anything spiritual. Mercury retrograding through your 9th house fires up your higher mind. Now is the time to reflect on your philosophies about life, past lives, and your purpose in life. You may feel compelled to start journaling again or revisit a manuscript you have been kicking around. The 9th house also brings in-laws into focus and Mercury retrograding in Scorpio will let you delve deeper into those relationships. Some Pisces may have dealings with people in foreign places. Has one of your posts, blogs, or other media endeavors reached far and beyond your home base? You are in manifestation mode so be mindful of your thoughts.


Fall scents to awaken your inner Goddess according to your Zodiac sign

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