Pretty soon we can
say goodbye to the Mars retrograde that has been slowing down our progress
since early March of 2014. Mars goes
direct on May 19, 2014 and as it begins to move forward once again it will
touch off the degrees in Libra that it has most recently passed over, namely
the ones that were involved in the Cardinal Cross that brought tensions to a
head over the last two weeks in April.
Mars rolling
forward gives you the opportunity to take a second look at the decisions that
you made during March and April and you may find that you have more clarity
concerning your actions and directions.
Mars has a way of cutting things out that may be slowing you down or
interrupting your normal flow of existence.
If a project ended or a relationship fizzled you will have a better
understanding by mid-July that it was the best thing to have ever happened
because it cleared the path for new opportunities sans the aggravation and
tediousness of the past. It is now time
to get ready for “lights, camera, action’ since projects and prospects get
green lighted by the last week in May.
Try to curb your enthusiasm for launching any new ventures until the
time of the New Moon on May 28th.
will find that their energy levels are more on target and business seems much
better than it had over the past few months.
Women should have better luck with men in general and any problems occurring
in relationships over the past few months should either be resolved or finally dissolved
in order to go forward with a clear heart.
are some astrological insights for this month for each sign and if you know
your rising sign also read it in order to get the proper perspective on how the
Celestial GPS will be guiding you along this month. Remember-directions from the heavens are just
that-directions. Your free will and
choices determine the outcome. Astrology
isn’t about fate it is about staying on course to achieve your greatest
Grab the
“Brass Ring” and let’s go!
Your head must hurt from all of the crazy
decisions looming from last month.
Holding grudges will only hold you up.
Make the first move to bury the hatchet and proceed ahead. The New Moon at the end of the month makes it
easier to resolve communication break downs so hurry up before Mercury goes
retrograde on June 6.
You get as good as you give. Work may look promising but don’t expect to
see any real progress until mid-July. Expect
the unexpected at home –everything from lots of company to unexpected expenses.
A lot of changes have been going on for
you the past few years with Pluto in your sign so reinventing yourself and lining
up new goals seems to be the course you’re on.
Don’t procrastinate and let things hang in the balance. Go after
you want and save your dreams for sleeping.
If relationships have been dull to
nonexistent that won’t be the case much longer.
By the summer’s end you may either put some spark into an existing
partnership or find yourself with a brand new love interest. Your hard work pays off with either an
increase in wages or an interesting project destined for success gets handed to
you. Read all contracts carefully and
finalize any agreements during the last week of May if at all possible because
a New Moon guarantees success and beats out the Mercury retrograde starting
June 6.
Liars and cheaters are always “repeaters.’ Think twice before being sucked into a repetitive
situation in either your personal or professional life. Curb your spending a bit and focus more on
gaining enjoyment from inner peace. Romance
is stellar for you and social invitations seem to come out of the
woodwork. New ventures look promising
but there is also a lot of work attached to insure success. Look for an unexpected surprise near the month’s end.
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