Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lisa Barretta on Coast to Coast

If you have a tattoo or you are thinking about getting a tattoo, listen in to Coast to Coast on Wednesday, May 16th 2018, when I will be the guest.

Find out how tattoos unleash the powerful wisdom held within your cellular memory, wake up inner archetypes, attract  energy, and open portals to your consciousness.

(Tattoo by Daemon Rowanchilde)

Tattoos are merely the vessel holding the energy of the symbols you ink. They are a proclamation of you and your unique story.

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  1. I listened to the show on Coast to Coast AM and was very drawn to the topic. Enough that it made me come to this website and start researching your work. I was totally blown away to see the tattoo of the Pisces with the glyph on the webpage because I have a very similar tattoo of that and my sign is also Pisces. I look forward to further study this topic and read your book. Nemaste


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