Sunday, January 23, 2011


I didn't realize that crystals, gems, and stones had so many medical, holistic, and magickal uses until I had a conversation the other day with Gail, a friend of mine, who is an expert when it comes to "energy stones."  After I got off the phone with her I could hardly wait until I ran upstairs to dump out my jewelery box to see what was in my personal gem stone pharmacy.  I dug around specifically looking for the Citrine ring that I had purchased over a decade ago, especially now that I was just enlightened by my friend that Citrine is one stone that really rocks. It aides in memory function and I was wishing that I had a piece of  it as I rummaged through velvet boxes trying to remember where I put that damn ring.

As soon as I found the right box containing my Citrine ring I put the little gem on my finger and waited to feel the calm that wearing it is suppose to impart upon the wearer. Some Yogis suggest wearing this stone on the index or ring finger of the right hand for optimum results.  Ring finger wins. It's too tight for my index finger. Citrine is great to wear if you are going out for Mexican or Indian food since it eases stomach tension and aids in digestion.  This stone also relieves the symptoms of PMS and menopause so for any guys out there who fear the hormonal changes of their ladies quick run out and buy her a nice piece of Citrine jewelery. You might wonder if she stopped bitching at you because of  Citrine's calming powers or maybe she just shut-up because you finally gave her a gift for no reason at all.  My personal reasons for searching for this ring among my many pieces of jewelry is because it brings on prosperity and increases finances. Maybe Wall Street should consider paving the streets with some pretty polished Citrine blocks in order to help us recover from all the damage that they have done to our economy.  I might have to consider hocking my precious Citrine to bring on that prosperity that the stone promises to impart upon its owner.

Since my birthstone is an Amethyst you can only imagine the motherload I have of this beautiful stone.  Some of my pieces are cut and faceted while other pieces are in the stone's naturally beautiful, unpolished state. Amethyst has long been called the "sobriety stone," and boy, would that have come in handy during my teen years when I was suppose to be attending  school night study groups instead of drinking parties behind the school. Amethyst helps ease the withdrawl symptoms from any kind of addiction so stock up on this stone if you plan on kicking any bad habits. I love having this stone as my birthstone and I should wear it more often, especially since it is also a real gem when it comes to developing psychic ability. Amethyst also protects one from thieves and protects travelers. It might be a good stone to carry around in the 'hood, but just don't flash it around unless you intend to hold it up in front of your attackers and watch them magickally back away from you.  If that doesn't work you can always hit them over the head with your piece of Amethyst and then run like hell.

My next find in my personal treasure hunt was my Aquamarine necklace. I really needed to find it because this stone will get rid of water retention. (Since I was munching on tortilla chips while I was assessing my cache of gems I must have consumed at least a trillion grams of sodium.) It is also said to assist with quick intellectual response so this is a great stone to have around especially if you have to come up with a quick bullshit answer for some reason or another.

As I continued to dig through my jewelry box I came upon a cluster of Hematite bracelets, all magnetized and stuck together. Hematite is known as a "stone for the mind" and it helps with original  logical thinking, and mathematics. Maybe I should wear it as I balance my checkbook and stretch the dollar until the president's face on the front smiles. Physically, it has been used to keep the body cool so I might consider packing on the Hematite during the sweltering summer months in order to keep my air conditioner bill down.

I came upon a Tanzanite ring that I had forgotten I bought years ago. Tanzanite is called a "stone of magic" that helps with spiritual awareness and psychic insight. It is also sometimes called the "workaholic's stone." This is because it helps you slow down and take it easy when you wear it or hold it in your hands .I believe that a lot of postal workers must wear this stone because every time I go to the post office I wait in a line that is never ending and also never moving.

Here is a bit of cool information about Topaz, a nice stone that I'm sure most of us will want to run out and buy after I tell you what it can do for you: Topaz bestows fountain of youth affects upon the wearer. I can't find my Topaz cheapo ring from when I was fourteen years old  but I am going out to get a replacement piece since I found out that Topazes reverses aging.  That's right.  Topaz is better than Botox when it comes to giving you a "lift." As an extra advantage, it is also used for protection, particularly protection from the evil eye...I guess from all of those people who are jealous of your youthful appearance!

My creativity kicked in from handling all of my energy stones and It occurred to me that Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, NutraSystem, and other calorie-counter companies could easily be replaced if people would start wearing a piece of Green Tourmaline jewelry. Green Tourmaline promotes weight loss and decreases the appetite.  I believe that there will now be a surge of Green Tourmaline purchases and I expect most crystal and gem stone sites will soon be crashing from all of the rush on acquiring this anti-exercise gem.

After assessing all of my jewelry finds I  moved on to my crystal display cabinet filled with shiny crystal clusters and wands made up from beautiful energy stones. Upon opening the door to the cabinet I get a straight on hit of energy. I feel like I am mainlining cosmic coke once I reach inside to examine each piece and gently wipe off any surface dust. The Clear Quartz clusters in my display case are extremely powerful.  Shit!  I can even tune into satellite radio when I touch them without even going out to my car stereo.

The Rose Quartz Obelisk piece that I cherish always puts out a soft and gentile energy when I hold it and the exotic piece of Black Tourmaline reminds me that it is there for the "holding" should I require some self-control in balancing extremes. This is an especially good stone to take shopping so you don't blow your budget. I really would love to acquire a nice piece of Lithium Quartz. Like the word "Lithium" implies, this stone will definitely calm you down and make you nice and mellow. I'll take a case, or better yet - make that a quarry.

There are millions of uses for the many different energy crystals, gems, and stones that are out there waiting for you to dig up. I hope that I have turned you on to "getting stoned" by giving you some street smart insight to the many uses of some of our more popular rocks. If you want to buy some great crystals and stones contact Gail.  You can find her at:

Dig it!

P.S. By the way, my friends at Sequin in NYC always provide me with the "most rockin' jewelry" <3


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your 2011 Astrotude-Sign by Sign

We are well aware that the planets move throughout the heavens and as they move the vibrations that they impart on us as individuals also keeps us changing and hopefully evolving toward advancing in the Universal community of beings. Each sign of the zodiac will get little nudges during the course of the year due to the faster movement from the lights ( Sun and Moon) and also the inner planets like Mercury,Venus and Mars.  These Cosmic bodies help us lay the trends for our personal year while the outer, slower moving planets help us form our long range goals and plans.  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto show how far we can extend our reach during their longer transits through the signs of the zodiac and are more related to destiny.

Astrology is an ancient form of GPS, keeping you on track but is also a form of divination because it will show you where you will be affected by future planetary movement down the road. A good astrologer can alert you to the bumpy times, which usually hold a life lesson and  an astrologer can also help you know when the optimum time to take advantage of lucky trends will occur in your personal horoscope. At one time doctors had to also be astrologers in order to treat a patient.  Nostradamus is one of the most notable astro-physicians not to mention one hell of a psychic. "Talk about hitting the "trifecta." The word horoscope comes from the Greek words (horoskopos) meaning "a look at the hours" and we have to admit that the test of time is a good indicator when looking at the validity and success of something.  Case closed.  Astrology passes this test hands down.  Aside from front page headlines, gossip on Page 6 if you are a New Yorker and the sports page, the astrology columns are the most read pages in newspapers.  A study found that  most people read their horoscopes in the back of magazines while waiting in store check out lines.

Now that I have made my case for astrology being a valid and true art for divination, guidance and even physical health concerns I will get down to telling you how to keep the right astro-tude, which is your astrological Sun sign's everyday attitude as imparted via the heavenly bodies.  Keep in mind that many factors come in to play if you want to properly interpret someones chart but this little guide will give you a general view of how to keep your spirit and I do mean spirit as in energetic astral body, up and running at optimum speed even when the planets sometimes impede our progress during the year 2011 which I feel is a major transition year for us humanoids.

Your 2011 Astrotude-Sign by Sign

  1. Aries Your general attitude is one of get up and go and this year practice patience since Jupiter the planet of abundance will whip through your Sun sign for part of the year.  Jupiter brings things in a big way even aggravation.  Your ruling planet Mars start the New Year off in Capricorn which is squaring your Sun.  Don't feel forced into major life decisions that you may regret down the road. Your patience will pay off by the summer months when your finances get a nice little kick from Jupiter.  July may be challenging but all in all patience is your key to a good 2011. A relationship with a needy person may have to come to an end because your own needs aren't being met. Keep in mind that you can't "fix" everyone. Transformation for the year is anxiousness into acceptance. Astrotude: Calmness
  2. Taurus Unlike Aries your general attitude is one of patience and waiting sometimes to the extent of procrastinating. Venus, your ruling planet will start 2011 off in the sign of Scorpio but before January is over Venus will move in to Sagittarius where it will help you get a handle on finances that are owed and tax preparation.  Don't put off taking care of business because ample opportunity starting in June due to Jupiter going into your sign will put a lot on your plate.  Speaking of plate-watch your weight when Jupiter goes in to Taurus this June because you may be tempted to overindulge. The eclipses in your money and finance sector this year will change things for you and help you to restore balance to your check book. Procrastination doesn't get you anywhere,literally. Don't neglect your health this year especially with Saturn going through your sixth house of health and well being. Take some time off to pamper yourself. Transformation for the year is procrastination into progress. Astrotude: Motivation
  3. Gemini The eclipses this year will set off some changes for you and your relationships.  Your usual carefree, child like playfulness may have to get more serious (not boring) if you are to get a handle on all of the changes coming your way. Your ruling planet, Mercury, which likes to retrograde or back track at least three times a year sometimes turns your progress into regression. Mercury will start off in Sagittarius this New Year and quickly move throughout the signs of the zodiac during the course of the year.  Gemini's like to keep active and moving but don't keep revisiting past problems especially when Mercury hits those retrograde periods. This year make it a point to stay focused on your goals. Stay in the moment and don't project too far ahead or else you may lose sight of what you have accomplished so far.Transformation for the year is scattered into stability. Astrotude: Maturity
  4. Cancer You are ruled by the ever changing Moon,one of our celestial lights. You are often mistaken for being moody when in reality you are just changeable. The eclipses of last year may have turned your world upside down a few times but you can now consider yourself to be over the hump,  January and June are two months that you may want to reassess a relationship that has been troublesome and maybe you will decide to cut cords and move on.  Pluto in your seventh house of partners may bring on some power plays. Your career gets a nice boost from Jupiter this spring and you may also get a chance to mend a broken relationship.  Time is an irretrievable commodity once that it is gone so don't let any more time slip by you.Transformation for the year is victim to victorious. Astrotude:Consistency
  5. Leo You are ruled by the  "main star" of our solar system, the Sun. Like the Sun  yours is a sign that likes the spot light no matter how shy you try to pretend to be at times. Your celestial ruler never goes retrograde like the other planets and unlike the Moon which changes signs every few days, the Sun manages to keep company with each sign for at least one month. As each sign visits the Sun and pays court you have the opportunity to shine on every one's stage at some time during the year.  Some audiences are better for you but life can get a little tricky when you play to a tough audience like the ones you get during Taurus and Scorpio time. During this time of the year you may feel pressure but your built in dignity allows for you to handle most any situation regally. The eclipses that occur every year as part of the saros cycle always put you in the middle of someones sticky situation but acting as referee is something that you do well.   Since you are always in the spotlight of the Sun it is easy for you to sometimes come off as arrogant when you really are just trying to be helpful.  Your directness is easily misinterpreted. This year don't allow false pride to keep you from showing the side of you that purrs like a kitten. It really is possible to rule with an iron fist inside of a velvet glove. Transformation for the year is  pride into confidence. Astrotude: Dignity
  6. Virgo Your ruling planet is Mercury and as we know,this planet flips backwards at least three times a year causing your life to go a little haywire. Mercury will star the year off by squaring your Sun which means that you may get off to a rough start in 2011.  Since mercury moves through the signs quickly you will be able to rebound from any mishaps that occurred earlier on. Jupiter and Uranus will both be visiting your eighth house of other people's money such as loans, taxes, debts and even inheritances.  Jupiter may help soften the blow from any unexpected money problems but don't let Jupiter also cause you to become overly optimistic about debts that need to be paid. The eclipses this year may bring you a change of home,job or status and possible all three things may come about for you. Pluto making a long transit through your fifth house of children, speculation and entertainment may make you put your foot down and not be so lenient concerning anything to do with these matters.  As much as you desire perfection don't be too hard on yourself or others this year.  Look for the rose and not the thorns. Transformation for the year is prudence into practicality.  Astrotude: Responsibility
  7. Libra Luck for you that you are ruled by the planet of congeniality and graciousness because you will need to exercise these two qualities especially with both Saturn on your Sun and a square coming in from Pluto.  Your being toughened up so you can learn a few more life lessons that help you fine tune your direction and bring you to a more rewarding outcome.  Jupiter going in to your seventh house of partnerships may bring an opportunity your way as far as partners go by Saturn will require you to make only serious decisions concerning any coupling. Uranus also going into your seventh house this year will bring unusual and unexpected friendships your way and may also suddenly bring some out-dated unions to an abrupt end.  You are sure to have an eventful year in 2011.  Transformation for the year is compliance into conviction. Astrotude: Decisiveness
  8. Scorpio This year starts off with your ruling planet, Pluto, moving through the sign of Capricorn in your third house of siblings,communication and contracts.  All of theses mentioned areas will get some powerful impute from Pluto and you may find that the pen is mightier than the sword this year as you communicate your thoughts to others.  Start that journal, blog or book that you have had in you for such a long time. Jupiter and Uranus will both be going through the sector of your chart that rules work and your physical health.  Take time out for yourself this year so you don't burn out,  Jupiter protects your health but Uranus can also cause you to be a little clumsy especially when mars comes in to the picture this April.  You will see a change in finances this year due to the eclipses occurring in your money houses but theses changes could very well put you in a better financial position than expected. August will be exciting and an area of new beginnings should open up for you before the year is over. Transformation for the year is intensity into integrity.  Asdtrotude: Persuasiveness
  9. Sagittarius You are sure to have a 2011 that is filled with change especially because of the eclipses occurring on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis.  Relationships and your opinion of yourself will be most affected by the designated eclipses.  A special relationship is on the horizon for you even if it means that you may have to cut some cords with the past.  Endings lead in to new beginnings.  Jupiter and Uranus hanging out in your fifth house of fun, romance and games will bring you one pleasurable situation after another and also dealings with children or pregnancies may be highlighted. Mercury in your sign makes you very playful at the start of the year but do keep your eyes open during March when Mars will square your Sun and you may have a show down or butt heads with a nemesis. This is a powerful year for you to make important life decisions.  Transformation for the year is optimism into stability. Astrotude: Realism
  10. Capricorn The year 2011 starts off with a partial solar eclipse on the Capricorn/Cancer axis insuring that change is underway for you as far as relationships go.  Your eyes may be opened up to someone or something that you choose to overlook in the past.  You have been feeling your own power ever since Pluto went into you sign last year and where it will continue to stay for the next 17 or so years.  Pluto is a very transformative planet and there is no doubt that you have undergone some changes.  Jupiter and Uranus will both be in your fourth house of home and this house is also considered to be  an ending house so it is safe to say that you may be changing homes or changing what exactly it is that you "feel at home with."  Pluto operates on a deeper, subconscious level than some of the other planets and usually the effect of this planet's transits are transformative on  a deep rooted level.  June and July will bring in an opportunity for you to partner up with somebody or something that will greatly benefit you down the road.  Pay close attention to the eclipses this year which occur on June 1st, June 15th, November 25th and December 10th because they will activate your sixth and twelfth houses respectively which rule your health and well being along with confinements in hospitals and the deep rooted subconscious. Your sign is one that will definitely see many changes in both yourself and your environment throughout the year. Transformation for the year is stodginess into flexibility.  Astrotude: Delegation
  11. Aquarius Your ruling planet,Uranus will be going into Aries this year where it is bound to bring about change for you concerning contract, agreements and even transportation.  Don't be surprised if you suddenly want a new car or maybe you get rid of your car.  Communication of all sorts whether it be film, writing, speaking or even photography, will have a strong influence in whatever it is that you decide to do this year especially with Jupiter also hitting the same area of your chart.  You have had your share of work and even health concerns over the past two years but now you can finally breathe easy because this years eclipses in the Sagittarius/Gemini axis will bring vast changes for you in love affairs, entertainment, creativity and even the groups that you join.  You will discover your creative side no matter what field you are currently in and it is your creative mind that will pull you through any bumps in the road that 2011 may have but honestly this should be a pretty good year for you.  Finances finally settle down now that Uranus is moving out of your second house of money but Saturn in your ninth house still signals some expenses related to higher education, a legal court case or foreign travels. Transformation for the year is erratic into stability.Astrotude: Progress
  12. Pisces You have waited a long time for your ruling planet, Neptune, to finally return to your sign.  This exciting transition of Neptune will enhance all of your natural Pisces gifts such as intuition, mysticism, healing, creativity and other abilities that may have seemed a little ahead of their time in the physical world.  Your are pure Magick!  Jupiter will boost your income from March to June but Saturn hanging out in your eighth house for the next year and a half urges you to be responsible with paying down debts and tackling financial planning.  The eclipses of 2011 will jolt your career house as well as your fourth house relating to your home.  Both of these areas may see a change this year even if the changes are only slight.  Expect miracles this year and a long held hope or belief may finally become a reality for you.  Watch your impulses in March when Mars energizes your sign.Transformation for the year is illusion into reality. Astrotude:Enchantment

Fall scents to awaken your inner Goddess according to your Zodiac sign

  Fall is a most bewitching time. Shorter days, and longer nights remind us that the veil between the world of the seen and unseen grows thi...