Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 13TH Sign of the Zodiac: 2012′s Missing Link

I am reprinting this info for about the 13th sign of the zodiac because as we move through the shift that our planet, Earth is now going through we will see how this zodiac sign fits into the opening up of our consciousness into the higher dimensions.

There is actually a 13Th zodiac sign called Ophiuchus (of-ee-yoo-kuh-s). It is believed that Nostradmus used the constellation of Ophiuchus when making his astrological predictions. Keep in mind that Nostradmus was not only a seer and an astrologer; he was also a physician making the use of this 13Th sign, very pertinent for him since this sign is greatly related to healing. Ophiuchus is one of the 88 known constellations and was also one of the 48 listed by Ptolemy. It is a large constellation located northwest of the center of the Milky Way. Ophiuchus is symbolized by the Snake Charmer or Serpent Wrestler. The Sun only spends 19 days in this sign of short duration. It falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius, the natural 8th and 9th house of the zodiac, respectively. Early cultures based their yearly calendar on the 13 lunar cycles, each containing 28 days. But Julius Caesar changed it. He created our present Julian Calendar, consisting of 12 months, therefore removing the 13th month and its corresponding astrological sign.

Ophiuchus is depicted as a man handling a serpent, his body dividing the large snake into two parts, giving way to the symbol used today as an Asclepius – the medical staff. The sign of Ophiuchus is fashioned after the original serpent holder, Enki, a Sumerian god associated with water, crafts, intelligence, and creation. Some astrologers believe the planetoid Chiron, which is connected with healing in Greek mythology, is the ruler of this sign of a short duration. The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man, named Imhotep (patterned after Enki), lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th Century BCE. Imhotep is credited with many accomplishments, including the knowledge and use of medicine.

So what does this 13th sign have to do with 2012? The year 2012 is associated with bringing us to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. We are now moving beyond the kind of body for which the human being was originally designed, out of the human experience and into a different level of consciousness where we will experience a tremendous transformation as souls. The new vibrations from the cosmos will activate additional DNA that we are programmed with and will give you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what your purpose is along with access to the fourth dimension above the Earth’s three-dimensional existence. Our DNA has been associated with the symbol of the snake, dragon, or serpent. Ouroboros is an ancient alchemy symbol depicting a snake or dragon (DNA) swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forming a circle. In some representations, the serpent is shown as half light and half dark, similar to the symbols used for Yin and Yang, which shows the dual nature of all things such as positive and negative, male and female.

The 12 around 1 pattern (12 = 1 + 2 =3), or third dimension, is physical reality based on linear time so the soul can experience the feelings of emotions. We mark time in cycles. We find 12 around 1 on a clock, calendar, zodiac wheel, alchemy wheel, wheel of time, and karma. Could the sign of Ophiuchus, which falls strategically between the zodiac’s natural 8th house of sex, death, and regeneration, and the natural 9th house of the higher mind and spirituality, be the linking sign for the knowledge we need to upgrade our DNA to advance into the next level of consciousness? The soul lessons might be for us to realize that through death there is rebirth.

The symbolism of 13 is rooted in several cultures and religions. Number 13 has a Christian association with the Last Supper; twelve disciples and Christ formed a group of 13 to share the last meal. In ancient Greece, Zeus was counted as the 13th and most powerful god. The symbolism of 13 especially comes into play in the story of Osiris, the Egyptian god of life, death, and powerful cosmic energy who was murdered by his brother, Typhon, who sliced him into fourteen pieces. Isis, Osiris’s wife along with the help of Osiris’s sister, could only find 13 of the fourteen body parts (the fourteenth part being Osiris’s penis), which fell into the Nile and was eaten by a school of fish.

The story of Osiris symbolically implies that the meaning of number 13 is the precursor to completion. There are 13 moons in a calendar year. The Moon is associated with the Spiral of Life – birth, death, and rebirth – as she moves through the phases from dark to full. In the Tarot, the number 13 is represented by the Death card, which also means transition and change. Could our overlooked 13th sign of the zodiac become more significant beyond 2012? Will we be more advanced on a soul level to understand the vibrations from this constellation that revels in healing? Maybe this is the next phase of cosmic energy to be made available to us in the higher and more psychic dimension where we can clean out our karma closets and begin to heal ourselves and strive to be in harmony with the divine creative force of the universe.


Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.
 ~Mignon McLaughlin


Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Ancient Roots of Astrology

Almost every major newspaper and magazine runs an astrology column therefore confirming that the public truly has an interest in reading about their astrological sign.  Even the skeptics can't help but take an occasional peek at their horoscopes every now and then. I often wonder why the astrology columns are lumped in with the comic section of the newspaper or pushed to the back of the magazine as if we are still practicing literary segregation when in essence we should be recognizing the importance and value of this art which allows for science to intersect spirituality.

Astrology is an ancient discipline given to us thousands of years ago by cosmic visitors to our planet.  It is recorded in the Book of Enoch that Baraqel, one of the original so called fallen angels or “Watchers “ taught humanity astrology and  the magick of the cosmos.  The Watchers were angels or more correctly, emissaries, dispatched to Earth simply to watch over the humans, especially since we were a genetically manipulated or created race of people.  These Watchers were not supposed to give away any trade secrets from the heavens but they fell from grace when they did so along with taking "the daughters of man" as their mates and producing children that were basically hybrids of alien and human flesh.  The reproduced like rabbits and the population of Earth grew resulting in an overpopulation of advanced beings that threatened the original “quality control” of the original experimental race created for planet Earth.  Hence fourth the men at the top “master-minded “the great flood of Noah, also recorded as a massive flood in the writings of other civilizations, wiping out the inhabitants of Earths except for a few chosen specimens like Noah and his family along with select seeds (plant and animal) so there could be a controlled recovery after the mass water wipe out.

Even after the tidal biblical flood astrology still survived. The test of time proves that astrology isn’t a frivolous form of fortune telling but rather a sophisticated discipline that allows us to understand how the vibrational frequencies from the stars and planets have a direct effect on our own personal vibration. After all, fundamentally we are basically energy beings and thus respond and react accordingly to the energy around us. The Babylonians, Greeks, Romans and Medieval Kings knew the value of astrological insight and only the very elect were privy to the knowledge held within the heavens.

The Babylonians left us one of the earliest overtly astrological documents, the Enuma Anu Enlil. This document may date as far back as 1600 B.C., and it enumerates astronomical omens and their interpretation. Astrology is hardly a pseudo-science especially now that we are on the doorstep to the Age of Aquarius, the long awaited for Golden Age.  You see, astrology is more than just a daily blurb about your sun sign that you find in the back of a newspaper or sent to your email in-box.  It is a complicated method of foretelling your own personal “weather” or vibrational energy conditions for the day, week, month or year.  It allows for you to decide how you would like to tune into the vibrations that are made available to you by transiting planets, fixed stars, eclipses and the phases of the Moon. Your free will lets you decide how your fate will play out depending on how you work with your astrological energy.  Predictions are often called "forecasts" or "trends" and are based on upcoming planetary influences on the birth chart. These influences are usually interpreted on a psychological level but as we evolve with the times it will become clear that the landscape of the heavens influences our personal energy, the personality of our spirit or etheric body.

As we move through the year 2012 we will start to tune into the vibrations from the constellation, Aquarius and the frequency from Pisces will begin to fade out.  The particular rhythmic pulsation of waves from the constellation of Aquarius will bring a different vibration of energy and more light into our DNA. The strands of our DNA are not limited to three dimensions; they are holographic and will act the same way a modern radio frequency antenna acts in order to receive electromagnetic radio transmissions. This new transmission will reawaken our deepest cellular memory and wake us up to remember who we really are in the Universe. We are all spirits from one ultimate source.

We will be up-grading to the stellar frequency package comprised of  Alpha Aquarii (Sadalmelik) - a giant star with a diameter perhaps 100 times that of the Sun. Beta Aquarii (Sadalsund) - The brightest star of the constellation, shining at magnitude 2.9 and Gamma Aquarii (Sadachbia) - A spectroscopic binary that shines at magnitude 3.8. These figures lead to an actual luminosity of about 25 suns. The light from theses strong stars in the constellation of Aquarius will have an impact on the activation of our additional strands of DNA and possibly allow scientist to identify the “spirit code” or “God gene” in our genetic make-up.

The above stars are fixed stars used by our ancient astrologers who knew the true value of astrology and how empowering this knowledge of the stars can be for mankind. The Arabic names for theses stars translate into "The luck of the king", "The luck of lucks", and "The lucky star of hidden things". The veil is lifting so we can embrace the importance of astrology and see how it influences and directs our physical, mental and spiritual qualities allowing us to tune into our highest potential. As we shift into the ideals of the Age of Aquarius it is not hard to imagine that astrology may someday be taught in schools and reclaim the dignity that it once had in the world as a beneficial practice for the soul’s journey.


Fall scents to awaken your inner Goddess according to your Zodiac sign

  Fall is a most bewitching time. Shorter days, and longer nights remind us that the veil between the world of the seen and unseen grows thi...