How many times have you found yourself caught up in
the same type of situations, relationships and repetitive patterns of behavior that
seem to sabotage all that you do and at
times, even adversely affect your health? There is a strong possibility that you may be harboring
an energy misfire within your subtle energy body due to some experienced trauma
that your consciousness may have gone through during either your current
incarnation or even from a prior life experience.
Quantum physics shows us how everything is connected
and that reality can be a wave or a particle depending upon the observer. Your
consciousness is a wavelength, actually no more than a measurement of the
quality of your awareness. It is a verb, a vibration of your collective experiences
since you first came into existence. While the ego will always seek immediate
results, consciousness is developed and transformation occurs when we embrace
the process of evolution into a higher frequency.
Each experience has a hertz which is a unit of frequency (of change in
state or cycle in a sound wave, alternating current, or other cyclical
waveform) of one cycle per second. Every organ of your physical body has a
frequency and if your thoughts are not tapping
into the most positive waves of energy then the whole of your system, physical,
mental and spiritual will suffer a ‘blip” in the vibrational network deeply etched into your consciousness. Even experiences from prior incarnations can
have an effect on your current life. Somewhere in another time you have touched
theses vibrations that are the root of repeated patterns and may even hold the
karma of inherited ailments.
Living organisms have measurable frequencies on
various levels from the entire body down to the cellular level. There are definitely
differences in healthy humans in comparison to ill ones. Scientists discovered
that each illness has a different frequency that is always within a
definite range. Every cell in your body holds tons of information which makes
you who you are. Your cells remember and hold all the information from your prior
incarnations right up until your present life. It is even possible to influence
your perceived future due to the energy of your thoughts and emotions. Stress
is a big energy zapper that is kryptonite to your consciousness. New experiences
constantly update this information. Cellular memory retains information on all
levels of your being and stores them as electromagnetic frequency vibrations
that are perceived by every cell in the body through an instant communication
So, how do you heal “hertz” which are basically “hurts
“that your consciousness has experienced?
Your body, mind, and spirit, is actually an
intelligent, integrated hologram. This means that the difference between your
body, mind, and spirit is an illusion that exists only to make it easier for
you to comprehend your existence here on Earth in linear time. Everything in
the universe is energy. You appear as solid matter but if you magnify your
cells down to atoms you can see that you are made up of subtle energy fields
and not matter. The basic building blocks of energy are light and sound.
For healing to be complete, it needs to take place
at all levels – the body, the mind and the spirit. Why does cancer, for
example, not cure itself in a few weeks? Because memory from the old cell, like a
phantom memory, is passed on to the new cell therefore forming cells
replicating again and again until the cell programming is interrupted by a
change in frequency. Emotional memories that are stored in cells of the organs
can eventually cause degenerative disease pattern. Even though each and every
organs in our body regenerates every few week, the memory of the held emotion
keeps being transferred to the formative new cell. If you interrupt the
negative programming, and reprogrammed the cell with positive energy, healing will
take place.
Sound frequency, aromatherapy, crystal frequency and
light frequency all can be tuned to the correct range of vibration to initiate
healing. Remember-We have to treat the complete system of body, mind and
spirit. Every layer must be realigned
and tuned up. Healing energy from the hands of Reiki healers permeate the body
tissues and transmute negative energy blocks into positive healing frequency at
the cellular level. Positive intentions to heal carry information in the form
of waves which link into human consciousness to interface between the mental
and the physical world. We are as we think we are which gives perception to our
perceived reality. Reality is a condition of our consciousness.
Did you know that the electrical activity of the
heart muscle has an electromagnetic field which is the strongest field of the body?
It is also the Chakra center for healing and healing touch. The high frequencies from love are in themselves,
strong enough to bring about miraculous healing. The opposite is also true because if the
heart center holds fear or hate, the low voltage from that strong body field is
likely to bring about serious illness.
On the emotional side, a lot of phobias result from a traumatic past life event, especially death. This can create a misfire in the cellular memory when similar circumstances trigger it. An example would be found in cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. This may be a condition one has due to a prior life incarnation in which their death resulted from some sort of plague, therefore creating a fear of death from anything connected to germs. When death occurs, the soul - also called Atman - including all other bodies of light, i.e. astral body, is leaving the physical body and withdrawing all connection to it. Without the physical body we still have the same consciousness and awareness as before and in fact, the consciousness is clearer and the perception of our surroundings is more accurate with the use of all metaphysical senses or our psychic extrasensory system.
In Chapter 7 of The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos, you will find recommended healing modalities to help you change the “hertz” of your hurts.
“The visible world corresponds to the invisible world and everything in this world is a symbol of something in that other world.”
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