Thursday, October 11, 2018

Tattoos Chronicle the Soul's Journey

There is no denying that tattoos have a certain type of energy. They not only hint at your daring side, but also open a portal into the dimensions of your soul.

Thousands of years ago, ancient indigenous cultures recognized a deep connection to the cosmos, nature, and the realm of spirit as evidenced in their art, symbols, metaphorical myths, and their use of tattoos. These venerable cultures weren’t superstitious, they were enlightened. Their close relationship with the spirit world wasn’t muted by religious dogma, or overshadowed by technology. It was a true and pure authentic connection that very few cultures maintain today. They knew there was a mystical connection in art and symbols and an even more profound magic in creating and adorning themselves with tattoos. Images that were put on the skin represented an embodiment that linked directly to consciousness. Tattoos told stories, encouraged healing, empowered the wearer, and tapped into the hidden realms of the spirit. Tattoos were and still are powerful symbols that speak the cryptic language of the soul.

Consciously tattooing can be a vehicle for self-empowerment. When you decide to get a tattoo, you are also taking part in a potent blood ritual that opens your inner pathways to self-awareness. Getting a tattoo takes you well beyond just capturing an image on your body; it also stirs up the emotional cellular memory that lies beneath your skin. You are crossing a threshold and making a commitment to an inked-on symbol that you not only outwardly wear but also embody.

Now, you might be thinking it’s just a little symbol or a cool image but believe me: your tattoo holds volumes of inner information. The symbols in themselves represent an archetype – or possibly your shadow – that is pulled forth through the decorative tattoo portals you place on your body. It can mean that something deep inside of you wants to be outwardly expressed. Alternatively, your consciousness is calling for something to be added so you can embody the energy and power represented by the image you decide to ink.

Tattoos are usually synchronized to events in your life that come from an emotional connection to an experience, a dream, an inner urge, or a certain something or someone. When you ink an image onto your body, you are embodying the vibration of the symbol’s meaning, the color, the transference of energy between you and the tattooist, and even the qualities of the ink. Combined, they’re a personal form of alchemy. Tattooing beyond the sake of vanity can initiate your own shamanic journey into your consciousness, to reveal what’s hidden in the matrix of the body, mind, and spirit.

You don’t have to be tattooed with sacred geometric symbols or tribal motifs in order to tap into the mysterious meaning of tattoos. Even your silly or dark tattoos have very profound personal meanings and hold within them a type of magic that actively interacts with your own energy field and the areas on your body that store emotional memory. For example, a tattoo on your neck relates to where your thoughts and emotions come together. What tattoo image is conveying that message for you? Tattoos on your arms and hands tap into the area on your body that holds emotions in relation to your external world, and shows what you embrace. Who, or what, are you holding on to? Or, what do you want to let go? Tattoos may even wake up some past life memory that needs healing or possibly reveal a profound message for you in this lifetime.

Yes, tattoos go beyond skin deep. Put a tattoo on your body and it becomes a sentient image and a portal into your consciousness.

In the book, Conscious Ink, you will see some very compelling examples of how tattoos precipitated a healing, opened the doors to recognizing profound knowledge, and symbolically represented and activated the embodiment of an intended desire. Ah ha…that brings me to intention. Conscious Ink is about tattooing with intention. An intention behind getting a tattoo gives you more focus and control over the hidden magic in your ink. Once you realize that tattoos create an energy exchange with the physical and subtle bodies, you will most likely disengage from the standard opinion that classifies tattoos as merely body art. There is a very cool, supernatural side to tattoos, and they are an unequivocal vehicle for transformation and awareness.

Conscious Ink isn’t a tattoo image picture book, nor is it a tattoo history book. It is all about looking at tattoos through the lens of consciousness, the term we loosely call spiritual. After all, tattooing is a sacred art, rich in symbolism, ritual, and mysticism. You will come to understand the importance of intention, the vibration of colors, and how body placement all mix with your subtle body energy field to create a permanent body talisman for better or worse. They are spiritual birthmarks, or soul prints, that are markers along your path to wholeness.
Your tattoo should invoke an inner need for you to wear it and make a commitment to its permanency. This feeling of need is a sure sign that your tattoo has a hidden message for you. Since symbols and images relate to archetypes and the elements of creation (fire, earth, air, water, and ether), you’ll get a fascinating understanding of how you can create the desired direction of your tattoo’s efficacy. Tattoos can be seen as vectors for your soul’s journey and the symbols act as the trajectories for both the input and output of energy.

By the way, removing a tattoo from your skin still leaves a shadow scar on your consciousness that will remain from lifetime to lifetime as cellular memory. All the more reason to be cognizant of the hidden power held within tattoos. In this book, you will become familiar with the different types of body work and vibrational healing modalities that help you transmute the energy from a regrettable tattoo. You’ll also learn how to maintain the sacred space on your body that holds your tattoo portal.

Your ink reflects the never-ending cyclical motif of death and rebirth. Tattoos are imbued with a mystical, transformative energy that births new ideals and resurrects long held memories, even some from prior lifetimes. Getting a tattoo initiates a change that ripples throughout every layer of your being, from spiritual to physical and vice versa Tattoos signify that you have crossed a threshold, a personal rite of passage that brings you to a different level of awareness. Your ink has a multidimensional, quantum, existential quality that can’t be denied.

If you are still deciding on whether to get a tattoo, my guess is that you will be making an appointment to get inked by the time you finish this book. I am inviting you to cross the threshold into the world of body art to explore the intimate, symbolic language of your spirit that is mysteriously veiled within tattoos.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa - amazing subject for a book. Thank you for this wisdom and I will be sharing it with my followers and friends.

    After a serious bout of postpartum depression and anxiety and coming to terms with being a psychic medium, what came forth was a full sleeve tattoo. It depicts my journey of full potential in the fire through emerging out of the ashes and smoke to tell a story.

    (photo of my ink in this blog post:

    I usually hide my tattoos during conventions and corporate events, but I never shy away from telling the story. I never thought to actually tell the story of my tattoos until I read your post. I look forward to getting your book. Thanks!


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