Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February's Full "Snow Moon"​ and how it interplays with your relationships

The Full Moon holds a lot of intense energy which can deeply stir emotions. The Full Moon
occurring on February 9, 2020 is know as the Snow Moon, will be in the sign of Leo, a sign known for playfulness, drama, bold emotions, and loyalty. People are more prone to take the lead under a Leo Moon. Instinctively we are not afraid to go after our passions. Increased emotional strength and intuition play a big part in relationships. Beneath the snow lies fertile ground where you plant the seeds for new beginnings. It is also a time to let some things such as toxic people,relationships, and situations,die off and be relaesed.

See what February's Full Moon holds for your Sun sign and if you know your rising sign also read to get a more in-depth understang of this Moon's energy.

Aries will be at their most playful and adventurous self during the Full Moon since it will occur in their natural 5th house of fun and entertainment. Aries may take a gamble with a current relationship. If it is working out, they will progress but if things have gone stale, they will move on to someone new who has caught their eye. Single Aries are very likely to meet someone new and exciting.

Taurus will feel the energy of February’s Full Moon in their 4th house of home, family, and required endings. Taurus will clear out old energy by removing things and even people who no longer fit into their life. This is a time to set new boundaries in your relationships. If single, Taurus will bury the past and avoid any rebound relationships. Make your best relationship with “yourself” during this Full Moon.

Gemini can expect a lot of communication during February’s Full Moon. It will cast a glow on your third house of communication. Your significant other may become more open and revealing with their feelings. If single, Gemini may find a new and interesting potential partner via an on-line dating site.

Cancer will feel the energy of February’s Full Moon in their 2nd house of possessions and money matters. This is the time when you and your partner need to shed some light on shared resources to avoid any Issues down the road. Single Cancers use the energy of this Full Moon to enhance their appearance which gives more confidence when seeking a mate.

Leo has their yearly Full Moon in their 1st house of “the self.” You are at your most dynamic and entertaining self. Relationships take on a super intensity at this time and you feel very creative. You may think of having children or starting a new project with your partner. Single Leos are like magnets. You easily draw attention to yourself without even trying.

Virgo will feel the energy from Februarys’ Full Moon centered in their 12th house. You may cherish some alone time with your partner and want to shut out the rest of the world. This is the time to deepen your strong spiritual connection with someone. Single Virgos take the time to reflect on what they really want in a relationship and the energy from this Full Moon puts you in a mystical, manifesting mode that draws in a true soul mate.

For Libra the February Full Moon will light up their 11th house of hopes and wishes. This Full Moon lets Libra feel that their significant other is truly committed to them. Single Libras may find that group activities and parties are the perfect breeding ground for finding romance.

 Scorpios feel February’s Full Moon centered on their 10th house of status. They may suddenly have an opportunity to raise an on-going relationship to the next level. Single Scorpios may be surprised to find out that someone’s sudden change in a relationship signals a new opportunity for them to become a viable romantic interest.

 Sagittarius loves to have a spiritual connection with their romantic interest. The Full Moon in February glows in their 9th house of spirituality and the higher mind. Their relationship thrives on a strong past-life memory of seeming to have been with this person in another life- time. Single Sagittarius may meet an interesting foreigner on a trip or possibly through taking a class or seminar.
The Full Moon of February lights up Capricorn’s sex life. The drama from the Full Moon is felt in their 8th house and stirs their deepest passions. It promises merged energies and deep intense feelings. Single Capricorns are ready to accept the death of past relationships and finally feel ready to look forward to the rebirth of a love life.

 Aquarius feels the effects of February’s Full Moon in their 7th house of partnerships. There is a strong realization that their lover is also a true friend which is very important to Aquarians. Single Aquarians could possibly meet a new romantic partner via a friend’s introduction. There will be plenty of social opportunities that open the door to romance.
Pisces will find February’s Full Moon occurring in their 6th house, a reminder that all work and no play can be a drag. Pisces will want to break free from old routines and suggest an impromptu weekend getaway or going to different places as a means to spice up their romantic life. Single Pisces may very well find a new romantic interest at the gym, an organic market, or even sitting in a veterinarian's office since their 6th house encompasses things of that nature.

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