Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mercury Retrograde WHAT??????

     Many of you probably already know what a Mercury retrograde period is all about but for a few new comers to the world of energy and metaphysical allure,Mercury retrograde periods are still a bit confusing. Did I mention confusing? Exactly! When the little messenger planet Mercury decides to move backwards and do it's version of Michael Jackson's "Moon Walk",there are bound to be upsets and delays. 

     We are about to enter a Mercury retrograde period starting on May 6,2009 and lasting until May 30,2009. Mercury will be in the sign of Gemini at the start of the retrograde period and move backwards into Taurus before turning direct on May 30,2009. These three week periods of backward motion happen roughly three times a year and if you know what to expect or should I say "not expect" you will be all the wiser during this often times frustrating phases of Mercury. 

     Here is what you should anticipate. First try to avoid having any electrical work done and don't buy any new appliances,computers,ipods or other communication devices during this period. You will most likely have problems with them since Mercury rules electrical products. If you haven't noticed,the Apple iPhone was launched on a Mercury retrograde and there were problems across the board with that device. Hey Steve Jobs, need an astrologer?

     Another thing to avoid during a Mercury retrograde period is the signing of contracts and agreements. If you must sign important papers make sure you read them over and over before signing because it may very well be that you might be "missing something." If you do something for the first time on a Mercury retrograde,chances are that you will do it again the next time a Mercury retrograde rolls around. Delays are par for the course so double check all travel plans and be careful with luggage that always seems to go to a different destination then you, especially when traveling by air. You will find long lines at the return desks of most stores and letters seem to take longer to arrive. For any "cheaters" out there,make sure you don't accidentally send emails,texts or messages to the wrong number. Mercury is a trickster and many a "sly cat" has been caught playing around during Mercury retrograde periods because of communication snafus.

     The mercury retrograde isn't all doom and gloom. This is a good time to do anything that begins with an "re",such as redecorate (be sure to make your furniture selections ahead of time), revamp your closet and get rid of the things that will never be back in style and also there is a good chance that you will reconnect with people from the past. If you are aware of what a Mercury retrograde can bring about then you will know how to navigate the three week cosmic obstacle course. Mix ups, delays, missed trains, planes, and mechanical failures are the downside but on the upside you will reconnect with old friends,have the opportunity to redo a past project and RE-member where you put things. We're all in this together as we experience life from the wrong side of a telescope for the next three weeks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What It Is Like To Be A Psychic Reader?

You must have wondered at one time or another what it is like to be the psychic reader on the other end of the cards. Most clients of psychic readers seem to have a glamorous idea of what the profession is like. There is a tendency to think that it must be really cool to be able to look into the future or to know when something unknown is about to happen. Well, I hate to disillusion those of you who think that psychic readers have a real "cush job" but the truth of the matter is that it is quite a responsibility to have your client as a captive audience, hanging on your every word, looking for a ray of hope or a solution to a current problem. 

     My dance moves as a psychic reader are only going to be as good as a partner who is following me. We must be in step to make the right psychic energy connection. The biggest block that most psychic readers experience is when we come across a client who refuses to drop the negativity and impatience during a session therefore making it equivalent to walking through a wall of fire for the psychic doing the reading. I personally pull my psychic antenna down when faced with a difficult client because I do not want to tap into any one's negative energy. 

     It is like eating from a dirty plate. The whole reading experience starts off messy. Granted, there are some, maybe most clients who start off a little tense but usually ten minutes into the reading session a psychic reader can tell if we are going to read for the client or become a convenient target for their frustrations. Hey! The psychic reader didn't cause your problem so chill and let them do their job of navigating you through your concerns. 

     A waitress friend of mine made a very good comparison for me to think about: A psychic reader dealing with a difficult client is like having a bad table. We didn't cook the food,we only serve what you ordered. Exactly! Psychic readers are decoding the energy patterns of the situations that the client has created in their life by their thoughts and if some nasty ingredients get thrown into the mix then our job as psychic readers is to tap into your recipe and guide you to a better finished product. 

     Here is an inside secret to getting a good psychic reading: Ground yourself and clear out the negativity. Do some deep breathing or rip up some paper to vent your feelings of frustration before sitting down for a psychic reading session. I personally am very energy sensitive and an uptight client hampers me from completely tapping into their energy. Most psychic readings are impulse purchases and often times clients reach for the phone to call their psychic as soon as a crisis happens. 

     Imagine holding a live wire. That is what a rattled client is like for the psychic reader. I suggest to my clients that they make an appointment therefore giving them time to settle down before their session. Most psychic readers know that a last minute client is most likely a freaking out client and in no energetic shape for a reading session.
Bottom line: before you get your psychic reading session chill out,center and ground yourself. I guarantee you that the reading session will be better and the information being tapped into will be more precise.

Fall scents to awaken your inner Goddess according to your Zodiac sign

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