Yikes! Did you ever
have one of those moments when you have some rouge emotion show up out of the
blue and suddenly touch off a reactive hot button in you? Crazy
residual emotions file in one by one and before you know it you are embroiled
in an out of control situation fueled by enough emotional energy to bring a
building down. One hot mess indeed!
Emotional energy makes up the complex personality of our
consciousness. It is a magnetized field
consisting of a combination of both positive and negative charges, cataloging
all of our experiences from every lifetime by way of emotional energy
imprints. These energy imprints or
memories, can fuel the behaviors that get us caught up in our own emotional traps,
complicate our relationships, affect our health, and sabotage life in
unexpected ways especially if they go rogue.
Imagine for a moment the components of a car engine. The wrong fuel, dirty filters and low
maintenance can and usually do effect the car’s performance. Breakdowns and failures are the usual norm
when conditions and problems aren’t addressed.
The same criterion applies to your subtle body energy field, the home
base of your eternal consciousness. There
are seven subtle bodies, or layers, around the physical body, which create the
auric body system (aura). Each level of
the aura has its own seven chakras, which are nested within the other auric
chakras. So in actuality, the base chakra, for example, will have 7 major
chakras, all vibrating at different frequencies. This way, energy can be
transmuted between all bodies to all chakras. Your chakras are the components of your subtle body's energy system and your thoughts , mental images along with emotions are in a sense the fuel. Living consciously and aware is the preferred maintenance for your spiritual components.
The second layer of our subtle body, The emotional field , carries vivid memories of all unresolved
feeling states and emotional traumas from past lives, such as fear of physical
violence, anger, depression about a hopeless situation, grief, shame from abuse
or humiliation, or worthlessness from having failed in some way. This field
extends two or three feet around the physical body, and can be sensed or
clairvoyantly "seen" as a person's aura, often in colors
corresponding to feelings, states, or moods. If someone has been deeply hurt the etheric
body, the smallest of the bodies, will carry with it an imprint of that hurt,
which becomes an etheric blueprint, influencing future lives at the physical
level. There may be other residues in the emotional field as well. For example,
if the person lived a very lonely life, there may be bitterness in the
emotional field attached to images of loneliness.
Unresolved issues imbedded into your subtle
body can at any time resurface when an emotion goes rogue. Our consciousness survives physical
death so when you die, the energy imprinting stays engraved
eternally unless you, during your
current incarnation has an awareness to
transmute any negative vibes into a more neutral or higher vibration. This is how we bring about transformation to
reach a higher level of consciousness. We have to know when to LET GO of situations, relationships and
other things in our life that do not serve our highest good.
A person who is harboring a grudge from a past life time may
unconsciously reactivate that grudge if a similar situation triggers that
emotional “hot button.” For instance, let's
say that in a prior incarnation you had horrible relationships all ending
tragically. In your current life you
somehow manage to sabotage every opportunity to be in a good relationship because
on some level of your consciousness you have a fear of relationships. Maybe they let you down,
hurt you and that energy imprint may show up currently as a rogue emotion misfire that was never corrected.
Are you doomed? No way. Once you have one of those “Ah Ha” moments
you release and let go of your fear
(false, emotion, appearing real) and CONSCIOUSLY make an adjustment by honoring
your feelings, letting go of past hurts and tuning into the higher frequencies
that bring about a resolve. This is
perfection of the spirit which gives us a lighter emotional load to carry. Dense, dark emotional energy imprints are too
heavy to carry forward into the higher realms of consciousness so at some point
or another you need to address what holds you back from the bliss of elevated
consciousness and true transformation.
A rogue emotion can even be the cause of physical illnesses
or conditions. These energy imprints
will show you one way or another whether through interactions in relationships
or through physical manifestation that something is amiss in the fabric of your
consciousness. If there is an emotion
that is literally eating away at you, usually held as anger, chances are that a
physical cancer will develop. You have
to realize that you are an ENERGY system first and foremost and the physical
manifestation is what you look at to see how either right or wrong things are
progressing in your life.
As we develop
greater self-awareness, we begin to learn about the management of our own
emotional energy and this also means we become more aware of how to protect our
auric space and free ourselves from negative or energy draining emotional links
with others. Energy vampires and people
who operate without a filter can corrupt your own energy field by pulling you into
their emotional drama; Drama is an acronym for DOING REAL ASSHOLE MOVES
ACCORDINGLY. Certainly we all know
someone like that and they are usually put in our path so we can learn a lesson
and make a necessary correction in our own consciousness. As they say, “No enemies, only teachers.’
Sometimes emotions we experience aren’t even
our own as is the case with empaths or highly sensitive people. Super energy
sensitive people can take on emotional pain and even experience the physical
pain of others. The more you live in a state of awareness the more you become empatic which helps you relate to the pain of others so you, yourself , realize that you have a united field of energy with everyone and everything therefore spurring you on to not be careless or hurtful in your dealings with others and even the environment.
Moving beyond the limits of unconscious emotional reactions
allows you to think rationally and make more intelligent choices for yourself
and your loved ones.
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