Thursday, May 26, 2016

Fallen angels (angels meaning emissary, messenger of the Gods) mated with and taught man many scientific and occult (meaning hidden secret) skills.

The big mystery of the ages that has been encoded in sacred texts and hidden away in such places as the Vatican Library are the writings that tell us who the sperm donors were for the original humans, the “designer” species. I use the term “designer” because our creation was not an accident of natural evolution. As recorded in these historical texts and now finally coming to light because of the empowering shift, we have a special heritage.

The true story of our ancestry was hidden/encoded/buried within myths and religious narratives and fell prey to the “telephone” effect, which had the effect of warping or manipulating the information to fit into certain belief systems. 

In the Old Testament of the Bible’s passages from Genesis 6 we learn that the sons of the Gods mated with humans. This was not supposed to happen, but it did.  The offspring of this union were god like in that they now had the ability to think beyond the primal instincts of the original Homorectus.

In the Book of Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah we learn of the so called fallen angels (angels meaning emissary, messenger of the Gods) who also mated with and taught man many scientific and occult (meaning hidden or secret) skills. Our family tree contains many occultists, builders, scientists, and even makeup artists. You can see from the following list of ancient ancestry genealogy recorded in the Book of Enoch how we once embraced the magic of the cosmos.

  • Armaros taught humanity the resolving of enchantments and root cutting (herbology and spells).
  • Araqiel taught humans the signs of the earth.
  • Azazel taught humans to make knives, swords, and shields. He also taught them how to devise ornaments and cosmetics.
  • Baraqel taught humanity astrology.
  • Chazaqiel taught us the signs of the clouds (meteorology).
  • Kokabiel, In the Book of the Angel Raziel, Kakabel is a high ranking being, commanded 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. He also instructed his fellows in astrology.
  • Sariel, one of the seven archangels originally listed as Saraqel, taught the courses of the moon (at one time regarded as forbidden knowledge).
  • Shamsiel, once a guardian of Eden, was the head of 365 legions of angels. He also crowns prayers, meaning that he has the power and authority to accompany them to the fifth heaven (dimension). In Enoch I he is a fallen angel who teaches the signs of the sun.
The question is who feared that, someday, the servant (humanity) would become the master?  The main blunder was tempting humanity with knowledge—celestial knowledge/astrology, advanced technology, telepathy, shape shifting, astral travel, medical knowledge—when humanity was not ready or sophisticated enough to responsibly integrate this knowledge into their life. (Kind of like encouraging underage drinking but only on a celestial level.)  Our primal instincts combined with the powers of an advanced, alien (meaning someone from a different place) genetic code produced a specie that  has inherent extrasensory abilities  and extraordinary  healing abilities.

 We have to honor and remember not to forget that we  have the inherited power to co-create and manifest  a better world for ourselves and each other.  We must transcend fear because the vibrations from a fear based consciousness will cause blocks and lower the overall vibration of your being, in essence keeping you from connecting into enlightenment or higher consciousness.

 Our consciousness of spirit more or less became a licensee for oppressive ideologies, which include those from capitalism to religious doctrine apparently designed to undermine a mutualistic context to the development of humankind, which would then create an "existential positive energy matrix" that would free us from our time-space continuum on Earth.  Imagine growing up thinking that you were poor only to find out one day that you were really rich and that you had been purposefully misled so that others could control you.
This is why the empowering shift is such a critical time for Earth and her inhabitants. We are just now evolving into our full genetic capabilities, and only the collective consciousness attuned to the highest vibrations of love enable us to grow responsibly into our highest good.

For further information on understanding your inherited extrasensory gifts and how to shift into higher consciousness read The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos available in paperback, kindle, and nook


The Luminous World: Healers who extend their reach into the realm of vibration where everything has its root or beginning.

The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.  ~Plato

There is a new kid on the block when it comes to healing.  Welcome to the luminous world of the Light workers who go beyond the poisons of pharmaceuticals and extend their reach into the realm of vibration where everything has its root or beginning. Light workers are vital during your transformation and evolution to higher consciousness and they appear as guides, teachers, and healers. Light workers who have been around since the early stages of the energy shift are old souls who have retained the knowledge of energy-healing that was initially programmed into their DNA many life incarnations ago. They are the shamans and mystics who have done this work many times over, giving them uncanny abilities when it comes to helping those who have problems during their awakening into a higher consciousness. Some of these teachers and guides go all the way back to the days of Atlantis and have incarnated throughout the ages to help bolster along humanity’s evolution into enlightenment.

Light workers are here to help you let go of the old structures and beliefs. Traditional doctors are (sometimes) good for the body, but energy imbalances and psychic malfunctions are best left to practitioners who are familiar with different healing modalities and integrated medicine so you can be healed on all levels—body, mind, and spirit. Metaphysicians understand that addressing only the physical problem leaves you vulnerable to relapse because the vibration that caused the illness may still be active in the form of a vibration or thoughtform.
Most light workers and healers recognize that even just saying the name of an illness or condition can put the patient/client at a higher risk of co-creating a relapse. Remember that sound in itself is a powerful creative frequency which, when coupled with your emotional energy and beliefs, can manifest into a real experience. Living in victim consciousness eventually breeds discomfort and even illness. As you awaken and shift into a state of higher awareness you’ll have a much better understanding of how your thoughts affect your well-being.

Below are just a few healing modalities to treat the body, mind, and spirit:

Quantum Healing and Vibrational Medicine Quantum Healing holds the belief that the mind can heal the body and is growing in popularity throughout the world. In Quantum Healing all layers of your being are treated, the physical body, the mind and the spirit to bring about healing on all levels and help you to conquer your physical ailments. This process involves touch-healing, energy-healing, and spiritual healing techniques to energize the body's chi or life-force.

 Integrated Medicine brings together the most current scientific advances with ancient healing modalities. This “best of both worlds” approach gives you access to the most effective ways to preserve your physical, mental, and psychic health. Every illness has behind it an emotion which holds a vibration that can then be transmuted via healing.
 Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essential oils for psychological, physical, and extrasensory well-being. This healing art has its roots in antiquity. Every scent has a vibration that helps the body recalibrate its energy and recover from a stressful situation.

Crystal Healing “Getting stoned,” if you’ll pardon the pun, may be the answer for optimum health. Today’s holistic health practitioners understand that certain stones can ease physical, mental, and spiritual discomfort. In fact, the use of crystals for healing has gone mainstream.

Bodywork The fact that you are transforming and evolving does not mean that your physical body should be overlooked. The body is the vehicle that your spirit rides around in, so it must be kept in good working order and in alignment with the new frequency of transformation. Bodywork such as massage and acupressure manipulates and moves the energy of trauma, emotional residue, and long-held cellular memory so you can finally free yourself from the cords that bind. Massage and acupressure also help eliminate the toxins in your system.

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that uses pressure on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-healing abilities. During an acupressure session certain key points on the body are pressed to release muscular tension, rev up circulation, and get energy moving to aid healing. Acupressure also relaxes the tightened muscles that are so often the result of emotional trauma.

Reiki is a technique used to heal and balance the subtle energies within your body. Reiki practitioners both administer and act as a channel for energy by a simple laying on of hands. They place their hands on areas where they feel it is most needed. Rather than touching their clients, some Reiki practitioners just hover their hands a few inches above their patient, thereby allowing the energy to flow the way it is supposed to and where it is needed the most. Although it is very much about the body, Reiki knows no physical boundaries. A Reiki Master can send healing energy to anyone or anything, anywhere around the world.

Yoga is also good for opening up the chakras and tapping into one’s psychic senses. Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that helps move vital energy through your chakra system. Brahmari Pranayam is a breathing rhythm in Yoga that is used to improve memory and activate psychic abilities. The Rig Veda, an ancient collection of writings, goes into great detail about the siddhis, which are the psychic, magical, or spiritual powers that arise when the seven major channels of energy throughout the subtle body are opened.

There are countless healing modalities for the newly transformed body, everything ranging from color healing, sound healing, tuning forks, and magnetic therapy, just to name a few. But the most effective healing method is the one that comes from your own thoughts
For further information on understanding your shift into higher consciousness read The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos available in paperback, kindle, and nook


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Past Life Karmic Badges:Birthmarks, Moles and Phobias

Did you know that birthmarks, moles and phobias can hold clues to past life experiences?

Sometimes we carry the physical mark of a past karmic debt or emotional memory into other lifetimes. The energetic or soul memory, encoded into the energy grid of our energetic spirit body, can actually manifest the physical form of the soul memory vibration by leaving a birthmark. The energy molecules take on the shape and form of the vibrational frequency associated with the mortal wound or trauma that the person experienced in another incarnation. Birthmarks and physical deformities are considered karmic badges that give us a clue to our past lives.

The scars of trauma that our soul carries forward from one life to the next manifests as marks on the body and in a subtle way resonate with an encoded cellular memory. It is believed that some who have port-wine birthmarks have often been the victim of a past life fire, while other birthmarks can show where we were wounded. I have a birthmark on my back shoulder blade, representative of where I was stabbed in the back. I past life regression confirmed that I was attacked by a Viking warrior as I sat in the scriptorium of a monastery, copying ancient script by hand during the Dark Ages. That may explain why I hate when anyone stands behind me while I am writing. Listening to recordings of monks chanting always seems familiar and connects me to the memory of the emotional feeling of mysticism.

It is an Oriental belief that certain moles hold past life clues and are also very foretelling of your fate. A mole on the face can mean a happy, cheerful disposition while a mole on the back can mean a life filled with burdens. A mole situated on the tummy area means smooth sailings while a mole on the chest signifies a lot of happiness. Moles on the feet show travel while moles on the hand can pertain to a certain talent. Are moles clues to the karma that we need to rebalance or to the secret fates that await us?

A very good book for further reading about birthmarks, moles and deformities is Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects by Ian Stevenson. Stevenson was a biochemist, a professor of psychiatry, and head of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, which investigates the paranormal. He did intensive case studies and wrote about children who had birthmarks that showed uncanny proof of either their murder or the type of death they suffered in a previous life. For some people, his studies provide conclusive proof of reincarnation.

Certain phobias and aversions are also associated with past life soul memory. People who have been hanged or beheaded will often have chronic neck problems or hate anything tight around their neck. Some who have died in childbirth may find that they have difficulty conceiving children or have an aversion to having children. Past life trauma can leave us with fears and phobias.

Past life readings and regressions are an excellent way to connect, confirm and possibly resolve conflict and trauma from the past. Look to your body for the physical clues pointing to significant past life experiences and also recognize why some unexplained dislike or phobias may have originated many life times ago. Memory from trauma will stay in your aura throughout your every incarnation until it is healed and cleared.

It is very liberating to honor from where we came because it opens the roads for where we are going.

For more information on how to understand your spiritual anatomy, read:

The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos   


Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Garden ESPecially for your Psychic Senses

We have often heard tell of a magical garden but did you know that it is possible to have one for yourself?  A garden that helps you tune into your psychic senses beyond the physical way of perceiving.

Dating back to ancient times plants and herbs have been used for healing, protection, perfumes, and self-empowerment.   One of the coolest things you can do is plant an Awakening Garden.  As we become more awakened to the dimensions of higher consciousness our natural extrasensory senses can become more vibrant if we tune them to their correct frequency much in the same way that you tune a musical instrument.
Your chakra centers which are the main sensors for receiving intuitive psychic impressions  often times become depressed, lay dormant, and even shut down due to the influences of processed foods,  environmental pollutants, negative thoughts, negative people, and lack of use.  We are all naturally psychic and intuitive but fail to realize it because we allow ourselves to feed into self-doubt or the false belief that only a few people have the gift of perception beyond the physical realm.

We give our power away when we look outside of a situation for answers before going to the source of all of the answers that we seek which are found within ourselves.   Fear not because you can begin to help your sentient side become more responsive simply by planting your own Awakening Garden

Set out you intention to be open to receive more psychic impressions and  plant a small garden or window box that fills the atmosphere with the correct frequencies to invite enhanced extrasensory sensing.  Merely having these psychic boosting power plants around work in harmony with your chakra centers to turn on your psychic sensing abilities. 

Below are some suggested plants to help you tune up your extrasensory gifts. 

Root Chakra: The best plant is peppermint. Peppermint aids in psychic sensing, calming, clarity of mind, and dreams. Your psychic sense of smell, clairscent, can be fine- tuned by having this scent around

Sacral Chakra: Calendula is an easy to grow herb that enhances your creativity in all areas of life. This plant resonates nicely with the sacral chakra. Clairgustation, or psychic taste, can be honed by keeping the frequency from this plant close by you.

Solar Plexus: Rosemary is an essential herb for the stomach where we feel our “intuitive gut feelings. It enhances clarity of the mind, psychic powers and spiritual growth. It aids in helping you keep healthy boundaries. Your psychic sense of precognition, your “gut” feeling, is best maintained with this plant.

Heart Chakra:  Lavender promotes peace and calm which are very important attributes to develop as you open up psychically. Your psychic sense of touch, psychometry, along with psychic healing touch is kept in optimum frequency smelling the aroma of this plant.

Throat Chakra: The best plant is sage. Sage promotes clarity of mind, psychic intuition, spiritual growth, general protection of your ever evolving extrasensory senses, and wisdom and knowledge.  Sage has long been used Shamans to clear out any negativity from the air. Clairaudience, your ability to hear in a paranormal manner, can be maintained and honed by keeping this plant in your garden.

Third Eye Chakra: The clairvoyant abilities of this chakra are best served by planting lemon balm. Lemon balm enhances the frequency for, psychic sensing, spiritual growth, and divination. Keep your psychic abilities of telepathy, astral travel, connecting into parallel lives, and clairvoyance/psychic sight in balance by having this plant in your garden.

The Crown Chakra: This chakra bridges the gap between body and spirit. One of the best plants for your crown chakra is basil.  Basil wards off negative energies, is good for divination, and exorcises negative spirits who try to invade your space. The master extrasensory sense associated with the crown chakra is Divine knowing.  Basil will help keep you plugged into the main source of the Universe.

The Diaphragm or “Buddha Belly” Chakra: This is a newly developing chakra that becomes more awakened as we shift to higher consciousness. Geranium promotes spiritual healing, and meditation.  Geranium will help in keeping this chakra clear and balanced, which in turn will help you process emotional energy and avoid drama.

The Thymus Chakra:  this is a newly formed chakra flowering open to receive the frequencies of higher consciousness. It resonates to the aroma of spicy orange thyme. This plant helps you regulate the intentions behind your thoughts so you can achieve the best results when using your newly opened psychic sensory system. 

Planting an Awakening Garden has many benefits because in addition to the main chakras there are many chakras in the human body covering basically every area in and on the body.  Many of them are small and insignificant except for the ones on the hands, feet, and fingertips that have significant function.  As you garden he chakras on the feet pull in additional grounding energy and the chakras on the hands transmit energy, especially healing energy.

There is nothing like sitting near your Awakening Garden and allowing the frequencies from the plants to resonate with your ability to perceive beyond the limits of the material world.  Enjoy the experience of exposing yourself to the magic of these plants but do not eat or apply them to your skin without talking to a qualified herbalist first.  Check with a herbalist or a doctor before you make any brews or oils with these plants. 

For further information on experiencing your  shit to a higher consciousness read The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos   


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Friday the 13th and Mercury Retrograde too???

     May 2016 is hosting the infamous Friday the 13th which falls smack in the middle of a Mercury retrograde so I felt that it would be fitting to re-post a piece that I did awhile back (retrograde stuff no doubt) and take a look at the meaning behind the bad rap given to not only this dreaded date but the number 13 in general.

     In Christian religions Friday  is associated with the Crucifixion of  Jesus Christ and therefore given an ominous meaning. The 12 disciples and Christ formed a group of 13 to share in the Last Supper. Also, let's not forget the French bar-b-que of 1307 when hundreds of Knights Templar were arrested and burnt across France on Friday the 13th of October.

     The symbolism of the number 13 is of great significance in several cultures and religions. In ancient Greece, Zeus was counted as the 13th and most powerful god. The symbolism of 13 especially comes into play in the story of Osiris, the Egyptian god of life, death, and powerful cosmic energy who was murdered by his brother, Typhon, who sliced him into 14 pieces.

     Isis, Osiris’ wife along with his sister, could only find 13 of the 14 body parts (the 14th part being the generative organ), which fell into the Nile and was eaten by a school of fish-OUCH! Maybe they were Lorena Bobbitt fish. This story illustrates that the number 13 is the precursor to completion, a fact which is also borne out by nature itself. 

      There are 13 moons in a calendar year. The moon is associated with the Spiral of Life—birth, death, and rebirth—as she moves through the phases from dark to full and back to dark again.  In numerology the number 13 is the focus of pragmatism and hard work. The 13’s nature is to build a secure foundation for the very future. 

     It was just over the past few hundred years that the superstitions around the number 13 and the day of the week, Friday, were fused together to become kryptonite to any chance of luck that might be tossed our way.The number 13 is associated with the Death card in a Tarot Deck. It has been demonized by Hollywood in such movies as the Friday the 13th franchise and the use of address such as 1313 Mocking Bird Lane in the Munster’s television series. 

     Society as a whole buys into the anxiety caused by the number 13.  Some hotels and office buildings go as far as to omit the thirteenth floor of a building. The Chinese cultures freak out over the number four (which in numerology is the reduced sum of 13, 1+3=4) In Chinese the words “four” and “death” sound alike.

      The ill-fated NASA mission, Apollo 13, also had the bad luck of noticing on the evening of April 13th, when they were 200,000 miles from Earth, that there was a low-pressure warning signal on a hydrogen tank in their orbiter, the Odyssey.

     Do people born on Friday the 13th , or the 13th of any month really carry around their own personal cloud full of disasters waiting to happen, or is it just another urban legend similar to if you were to leave a tooth in a cup of coke overnight, only to have it dissolve by morning?

      If you were born on the 13th of the month and also have the double whammy of your actual birth take place on a Friday you probably get the usual response from others saying, “Oh Wow! Aren’t you lucky, as they slowly back away and run for cover before they catch the jinx you supposedly carry in your celestial DNA. Let’s hope that you didn’t run into any kids who refused to attend your birthday parties because they seriously suffered from a phobia called "paraskavedekatriaphobia”, which is a fear of Friday the13th. Being born on the 13th of any month regardless of whether or not it is a Friday automatically seems to lump you into the formidable group of superstitions such as black cats, walking under ladders, having a bird fly into your house and other anxiety-laden paranoia associated with being dealt an off-suit hand of fate.

      The day of the week, Friday, in itself isn’t so bad.  We all seem to hang for Fridays when the work week is over but pair it up with the 13th of the month it becomes a “Fri-tini,” a Molotov cocktail for calamity.

Are there any upsides to being born on Friday the 13th or the 13th of any month? Well, you can always say that you share Friday the 13th birthdays with such celebrities as Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen: The twins were born Friday, June 13, 1986. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, famed Seinfeld actress, was born on the infamous date as well (Friday,January 13, 1961.) Let’s not forget the master of the macabre, Alfred Hitchcock, who was born on Friday, August 13, 1899.

     Thirteen is a mystical and magical number in mythology, the occult, and ancient history.  There were Twelve Knights of the Round Table as well as King Arthur himself (12 + 1 = 13).  The 13th Degree in Freemasonry is called the Royal Arch.The American flag has 13 stripes in honor of its first 13 colonies. In Italy, 13 is a lucky number. It is associated with the "Great Goddess," who is responsible for fertility and lunar cycles. Remember, there are really 13 Lunar months. Many Italians believe the number 13 brings prosperity and life, and it is seen as especially lucky when gambling.  Hey, even modern astrologers are coming to grips with the possibility that Ophiuchus, the serpent wrestler, should be given proper status as the 13th astrological sign for the new millennium.

     Are we guilty of “numerically profiling” people born on Friday the 13th or the 13th of any month?  It really is just another day.  Because of all the media hype whenever a Friday the 13th comes along we buy into the illusion of fear (False, Emotions, Appearing Real).

     Do more misfortunes really happen on Friday the 13th or are we just more aware of any bummer situations because of this infamous date? Given that this particular Friday the 13th 2016 is occurring during a Mercury retrograde I bet we notice a lot more mishaps.

      Our mind is the creator and there is a super strong power to belief.  Because we expect bad things to be associated with the number 13, in essence, we manifest these phenomena.

     The historical origins of the number 13 have a quasi-relationship with science, math, faith, mysticism, and psychology. Fate and freewill will always intermingle with the chaos in our lives. 

     To read more about how numbers speak to us and link into our consciousness read:  The Book of Transformation Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos 


Fall scents to awaken your inner Goddess according to your Zodiac sign

  Fall is a most bewitching time. Shorter days, and longer nights remind us that the veil between the world of the seen and unseen grows thi...